Tuesday, March 8, 2011


As civilization rapidly developed, human needs had increased and came with variety. There's no exception whether it is religion, politics, education, lifestyle, and even in economic markets. Yet with human needs came systems of provision. There are rights and duties to consider and it's never a choice, but it's a must. 

In business, there are 3 types of ownership. In accounting, this variety has its special treatments, every type of ownership is treated differently in accounting. First, proprietorship is what we usually encounter everyday. This is what I call "sure solo business". I'm a proprietor myself, i do business alone and i'm the owner, the manager,the sales officer, and cashier -- all in one. Yet proprietorship also has variety which will depend on the organizational structure. Next, partnership is defined by the word itself. There can be 2 or more owners with one or more general partners. There can be variety in partnership which will be dependent with the agreement between partners. Lastly,  the corporation, which is usually big time businesses. The ownership is broad and comes with variety.

In the market, there are 4 types of competition. It can be perfect, monopolistic, oligopoly, or a monopoly. The perfect competition which was discussed in class has a number of characteristics. It has many buyers and sellers, same product or services, and participants in this competition are price takers. A situation where perfect competition can be seen is among "kwek-kwek" vendors. We can see them anywhere, almost everywhere. Second is the monopolistic competition which is a form of imperfect competition where many competing producers sell products that are differentiated from one another (that is, the products are substitutes, but, with differences such as branding, are not exactly alike). As mentioned, a perfect example of this competition are the different boutiques in the mall. They are all sellers of clothes, bags, and shoes, but the designs are in variety. The buyers will be the ones to choose their preferred designs. Third, Oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). Because there are few sellers, each oligopolist is likely to be aware of the actions of the others. The decisions of one firm influence, and are influenced by, the decisions of other firms. This is a close competition among few oligopolists. Example is among airline companies. There are only a number of them and every time one offers promos to buyers, the other competitors make sure that they too will have promotional strategies. Lastly, monopoly exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it. The example given was Xerox which reigned before as the only company that offers the photocopying machines. They have the right to set there prices and they don't have direct competitors compared to the other 3 types of competition.

Whatever it is, even if you disagree, everything in this human world comes in variety. Whether it is good or not, variety makes the world go round. Just like the different variety in colors, whatever your favorite is, the world has it -- it is in variety. 

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